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Our HR Lead Interviewed 100 People in One Day. Here's How MarketScale Studio Made it Possible.

Original Air Date: Thursday, 9/12

// Want to review 100 potential hires in one day? It's not as far-fetched as it sounds.

In today’s competitive landscape, HR teams face significant challenges when it comes to hiring, especially at scale. Gauging the personality types, cultural fit, and social skills of potential hires is no easy task, on top of connecting the dots between resume and needed practical skills. Too often, time is wasted on interviews with candidates who were never a good fit from the start—candidates who could have been filtered out earlier in the process. Miscommunications also abound, with candidates sometimes having a different understanding of the job responsibilities than what the role actually entails.

HR hiring tools today try to solve these challenges, but with so many filtering and AI-powered options, sometimes too many good applicants get phased out of an impersonal hiring process. Now you have an over-correction, where that "spark" that differentiates applicants never gets caught.

Too personal. Too impersonal. Is there a better way to ride the middle and make hiring both scaleable and effective?

Enter the power of video.

On this MarketScale Webinar, find out how incorporating video into your hiring process can help you filter candidates more effectively, ensuring that you’re only spending time on those who are truly a good fit, and making it easier to find those hidden diamonds who will take your company to the next level.

Applicant video submissions, Jobcasts, practical skill demos, cultural and personality-focused content, you name it. MarketScale Studio's decentralized content capture and video submission tools enable HR teams to scale their hiring efforts with ease.

See for yourself how you can make video work for you (ba dum tch) to scale your hiring.

How will you use the simplicity and scalability of Studio's hiring tools to revolutionize your recruitment process? Join us in this webinar to workshop Studio's innovative solutions and take your hiring strategy to the next level!

For more creative consultation time with Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin, book some time on his calendar here!


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