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3 Tips for Starting Your Own B2B Podcast

In recent years, podcasts have become a main communication tool for B2B companies. From industry thought leadership to education, there's a podcast for just about every interest. It's natural to want to start your own. But where do you begin? Here are three tips for starting your own B2B podcast.

1) Define your podcast audience and goals

Before you start recording your podcast, you need to define your audience and goals. Who are you trying to reach? What do you want them to know? What action would you like them to take? Without a clear understanding of these things, you'll have a hard time creating content that resonates with your listeners.

Take the time to think about your ideal listener. What are their interests? What problems do they have that you can solve? Once you have a clear picture of who you're trying to reach, you can create content that speaks directly to them. Also clearly identify the action that you want them to take after listening. Is your show a lead gen tool or pure thought leadership? Make sure you call your audience to action.

2) Talk about what you know and be specific

When it comes to podcasting, authenticity is key. People can see through inauthenticity, so it's important to talk about what you know and be specific. Don't try to be something you're not or pretend to have expertise in an area that you don't. Instead, dig into the niches. There are riches in niches, so find an area that you're passionate about and that you have a unique perspective on.

Offer unique insight that can't be found anywhere else. This could mean being vertical-specific or leveraging your own expertise. If you can offer your listeners something they can't get anywhere else, they'll keep coming back for more.

3) Leverage your podcast guest's expertise and networks

Your guests are your secret weapon when it comes to podcasting. They allow you to not have to be the expert on every topic. When you're booking guests, look for people who have expertise in areas that you don't. This will allow you to provide your listeners with a wide range of perspectives and insights.

Once you have a guest on your show, make sure to leverage their expertise and networks. Have your guest share the episode across their networks. This will help you reach new listeners who may not have found your podcast otherwise. Additionally, give your guest the embed to post on their site as well. This will help you reach an even wider audience.

Starting your own podcast can be a lot of work, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. By defining your audience and goals, talking about what you know and being specific, and leveraging your guest’s expertise and networks, you can create a podcast that people will love. So what are you waiting for? Start recording!

AI-Generated Transcript:

Hey, everybody Ben Thomas here from market scale and provide today. You know one of the questions I get all the time as somebody who has a podcast series in AV is, how do I start my own? And these quick kind of three tips don't necessarily only apply to have they translate into not only, you know, verticals like education or hospitality, but really across every single B2B vertical as a whole. So you can use this really in a number of different ways. But the first tip that I have for starting your own podcast is define your audience and your goals. Really define early on who you're looking to reach and what you want them to know and take away from the show. And one thing that I like to think of too is what action do you want them to take after the show? You know, is it a Legion tool? Is it primarily just pure thought leadership? What are some of the things that you actually want people to do to respond after the show is aired? The second thing that I'll mention is talk about what and be very specific. You know, people can see pretty quickly through inauthenticity. So somebody who is trying to maybe just play to a specific crowd and talk about something that they might not know as much about. People can usually see through that, but, you know, really encourage you to dig into some of those verticals. And get really, really deep into the niches. You know, one of the things that people say from time to time is that there's riches in the niches. There's a lot of great information to pull out from there and then also find ways to offer some unique insight. Right? be vertical, specific, offer your expertise. You know, if I'm somebody who knows a lot about house of worship and education technology and maybe broadcast, those are really some of the verticals that I probably would focus on. And that actually leads me to the third point, which is leverage your guest expertise and their networks. The secret weapon of any good podcast, in my opinion, is the guest. Not only can you have conversations outside of your traditional comfort zone, but you're able to leverage the networks of some of these people. So if I have a guest on private, say, for example, one of the things that I do is a really ask them some of the questions that I might not know the answers to, but also give them the tools to help share that content out after it's published. So the embed code, the shareable link, things like that. And you know, I've had people that have been on the show embed the episode directly into their website or their company's website, but at the very least, most people will share it out on LinkedIn as well. So make sure you give them some of those tangible assets. But look, those are my three quick tips for starting your first podcast in B2B. I look forward to seeing all the great content that you guys create throughout the rest of this year.


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